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Lukas Dauser ends bar final in Paris in seventh place

Lukas Dauser finished in seventh place in the parallel bars final at the Paris Olympics. Six weeks ago, even attending the Olympics appeared out of reach for the reigning world champion on the parallel bars, as a torn muscle bundle in his bicep almost cost him his Olympic ticket: so it is even more remarkable that the Tokyo silver medallist’s performance was able to compete for medals at all.

On Monday morning (5 August 2024), Dauser came seventh out of eight gymnasts in the parallel bars final with 13.700 points. As in the qualifying round, his final routine had a starting difficulty score of 6.6. The 31-year-old initially appeared nervous, meaning that his routine was not without errors and the difficulty score was reduced to 6.0 by the judges. Although the reigning world champion quickly got back into the swing of things, amid such strong competition this was only enough to secure him seventh place. 

‘I didn’t do enough exercises and was not really solid in my routines’, Dauser explained after the competition. However, he showed that he is able to compete even in difficult conditions and still stands as one of the top eight in the world.

Despite his disappointment about the result, the army sport soldier appeared proud at what he had achieved:

The simple fact that I am here at all makes me rather proud. It will take me another day or two to really register everything.

The German gymnastic team is proud of Dauser’s appearance and performance, especially given his issues during preparations: ‘When you think that it was touch and go whether or not Lukas would come to the Olympics at all, this doesn’t offer stability as you prepare for such a major competition. He is a fantastic athlete, but also a very special person who has shaped the world of gymnastics during the most recent Olympics cycle and beyond’, German gymnastics federation’s elite sports director Thomas Gutekunst noted.

He is a fantastic athlete, but also a very special person who has shaped the world of gymnastics during the most recent Olympics cycle and beyond

Thomas Gutekunst, German gymnastics federation’s elite sports director

As German sportsperson of the year 2023 and a model German team athlete on the national and international stage, his commitment and passion in Paris once again showed that he is one of the best German gymnasts of all.

The HYLO® Sports family is proud of Lukas Dauser and the entire German gymnastics team for their strong performances. 

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