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All eyes on Paris

Keep a close eye on our HYLO® athletes and gain some personal insights as they try to achieve their dreams.

This will be a real occasion for our athletes in Paris, and we in Saarland are all crossing our fingers. We wish everyone personal bests and above all lots of unique moments.

Our Athletes in Paris:

All our athletes

All the latest news from Paris:

Here you can find all the news from our athletes in Paris

HYLO® Sports news

All eyes on Boris and Anita:

The interview with Boris and Anita before the Games in Paris

During their last training camp we had the opportunity to talk to Boris and Anita.

All eyes on Tim Hellwig:

Gold for Tim!

Tim Hellwig wins gold with the triathlon relay team at the Summer Games in Paris! A strong race and an even stronger result for the entire quartet.

Tim Hellwig, Lisa Tertsch, Lasse Lührs and Laura Lindemann finished the competition after 1:25.39 hours as winners ahead of the relay teams from the USA and Great Britain thanks to an outstanding performance.

The HYLO® Sports family congratulates Tim Hellwig on his gold medal!

Triathlete Tim Hellwig is training in St. Moritz at an altitude of 1,800 metres, focusing on the Olympic Games in Paris. As well as being a popular travel destination for holidaymakers, this picturesque location also offers perfect training conditions. Training at an altitude like this gives Tim intensive preparation for the upcoming competitions.

Things then kick off in the French capital on 30 July. This involves a 1.5-kilometre swim, 40-kilometre cycle and 10-kilometre run – in front of millions of spectators. Does this increase the nerve factor? Not for Tim – the 25-year-old is completely relaxed the night before major competitions. The nights before that are much more important, when he needs good, calm sleep.

If I have given my all, I will be 100% satisfied.

Tim Hellwig

Steffen Justus, national sports base coach in Saarbrücken who has joined Tim in St. Moritz, agrees. Although Steffen does not think it is out of the question that he could ultimately clinch the gold medal, he is not yet 100% sure: the competition is strong and there are lots of other factors that play a major role.

His training partner Chris Ziehmer is extremely confident. He would not be surprised if Tim ends up on the top of the podium. Ziehmer bases his assessment on Tim’s inner calm and self-confidence – both very special qualities that will allow him to give is all at the right moment.

Tim’s coach and training partner both believe in his potential and are supporting him en route to Paris. We absolutely do not want to miss watching Tim putting up a fight at the Olympics. Whatever happens, we are crossing our fingers for him and hoping for the best possible outcome.

All eyes on German Gymnastics Team:

The team on Location:

Pascal Brendel, Lukas Dauser, Nils Dunkel, Timo Eder, Helen Kevric, Pauline Schäfer-Betz, Andreas Toba, Sarah Voss

Margarita Kolosov, Anja Kosan, Daniella Kromm, Alina Oganesyan, Darja Varfolomeev, Hannah Vester, Emilia Wickert

Fabian Vogel

Turn-Team Deutschland – Gerätturnen

Turn-Team Deutschland – Gerätturnen

Turn-Team Deutschland – Gerätturnen

Turn-Team Deutschland – Gerätturnen

Turn-Team Deutschland – Rhythmische Sportgymnastik

Turn-Team Deutschland – Rhythmische Sportgymnastik

Turn-Team Deutschland – Trampolin

Turn-Team Deutschland – Trampolin

Team Gerätturnen der Frauen meets HYLO®

Team Gerätturnen der Frauen meets HYLO®

Team Gerätturnen der Männer meets HYLO®

Team Gerätturnen der Männer meets HYLO®

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